Viscosity 1.7.8 Download 5,8/10 4241 votes

Download Viscosity 1.8.3 free - Top4Download.com offers free software downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android computers and mobile devices. Visit for free, full and secured software’s. Oct 07, 2019  File name: viscosityinstaller1.7.8.exe (7.5 MB) Download Viscosity. You can also post a Facebook comment Software picks February 12, 2020. Top 5 Animated Screensavers for Windows. Software picks Top 5 Free Auto Clicker Tools for Windows 10. Any video converter pro 7.1.7 download. Software picks Local and Online Backup Services 2019.

SparkLabs – 4MB – Shareware –


Viscosity is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by SparkLabs.

The latest version of Viscosity is 1.8, released on 09/13/2019. It was initially added to our database on 05/05/2012.

Viscosity runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 4MB.

Viscosity has not been rated by our users yet.

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11/09/2017 ELISOFT Faktury 2017
03/24/2020 OBS Studio 25.0.1
03/24/2020 FormatFactory
03/24/2020 Debotnet 0.7.0
03/24/2020 SourceTree 3.3.8
Secure and free downloads checked by UpdateStar
Stay up-to-date
with UpdateStar freeware.
03/13/2020 The best free SSD tools for you
03/11/2020 New version of Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool available
03/11/2020 Firefox 74 is available for download with more security
03/04/2020 Google Chrome update fixes dangerous security vulnerability
03/03/2020 Kodi 18.6 update available with bug fixes
  • » viscosity 1.8 windows
  • » viscosity インストール
  • » viscosity windows

Viscosity is a first class VPN client that lets you secure your network

What's new in this version:

Viscosity 1.8.4
- Import support for inline usernames and passwords
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2u for OpenVPN 2.3
- Resolves PKCS#11 issue using some RSA certificates
- Resolves issue moving the menu icon on older versions of macOS
- Detects if Time Machine backups could not be disabled due to macOS privileges
- Resolves low-severity security vulnerability (CVE-2020-5180)
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.3
- Viscosity will now prompt to allow a weak CA digest if detected
- Resolves issue using EC keys on PKCS#11 devices
- Resolves a potential hang on older versions of macOS when importing connections
- Resolves a tap-to-click issue with the main menu on older versions of macOS
- Resolves a potential crash when importing a connection (build 1521)
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.2
- Support for TLS 1.3 and additional ciphers
- Windows 10 on ARM64 (WoA64) is now supported
- Small performance improvements in OpenVPN
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.1.1d on OpenVPN 2.4
- OpenVPN updated to version 2.4.8
- Visual C++ 2015-2019 runtime is now required and will be installed if not present
- Resolves an issue where some connections would fail to connect on subsequent connection attempts
- Resolves an issue where connections would sometimes hang during a reconnect
- Resolves an issue where some .visz configurations failed to import
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.1
- Improved support for deploying Viscosity in managed environments
- Ignores unnecessary pushed route-delay commands
- Workaround to allow loading the PKCS#11 driver for SafeNet tokens
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.0
- Main menu traffic graph for active VPN connections
- Appearance customisation options for the menu traffic graph
- New menu icons are available in the Appearance section
- Improved support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- VPN connections will now establish faster
- Reduces CPU usage when using higher log verbosity levels
- Complete Dark Mode support for menu items with color
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2t
- Resolves a potential crash when rapidly connecting and disconnecting connections
- Resolves a potential crash if ifconfig cannot be run
- Resolves a potential hang when using Reset network interfaces on disconnect
- Resolves flickering of the menu icon animation when changing states
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.16
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2s
- Reachability checks will no longer fail when using a fixed IP version
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.15
- Additional U2F devices are now supported
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.7
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2r
- Adds notarization for increased security
- Resolves failure to fallback to secondary remote servers with some connections
- Resolves a potential crash on macOS 10.14.4+ when updating the helper
- Resolves a potential crash when importing a large number of connections
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.10 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.7.14
- Resolves regression connecting certain static-key connections
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.13
- Improves compatibility with menu bar managers
- Improves main menu automatic resizing and positioning
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2q
- Avoids rapid reconnect attempts when a local TLS error occurs
- Avoids potentially delaying a manual computer sleep when there are active connections
- Workaround for potential DNS resolution errors when OpenVPN performs a reconnect
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.12
- Support for Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Improved support for macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Main menu performance significantly improved
- Keyboard accessibility of the main menu improved
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2p
- Resolves issue setting the working directory for scripts
- Resolves issue scrolling the main menu with many connections
- Prevents reconnects when cancelling certain PKCS#11 requests
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.9 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.7.11
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.10
- Support for macOS Continuity while connected to VPN connections
- Automatic route-delay now supported for connections using DHCP
- Support for routes set using a DHCP server
- Support for setting a default IPv6 route gateway
- Allows the default route gateway to be a DHCP server
- Resolves stuck connection if a PKCS#11 driver fails to load
- Resolves a potential crash when using a proxy PAC file
- Workaround for issue with OpenVPN's session token handling
- Resolves case where Automatically reconnect option may display incorrectly
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.9
- Performance improved when importing a large number of connections
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.6
- Resolves a potential crash after updating
- Resolves a potential crash when disconnecting
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.8
- Sandboxing of the OpenVPN process for added security
- Updated
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.5
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.20
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- Growl support
Viscosity 1.7.7
- Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) support
- Support for the obfs4 obfuscation protocol
- No longer displays an alert when a session token is rejected
- Detection of unsafe environment variables improved
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.6
- Improved: Support for longer username, password, and challenge responses
- Updated: OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2n
- Fixed: Workaround for macOS 10.13 utun traffic reporting bug
- Fixed: Fixes session tokens not persisting across reconnections
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.5
- Improved: TAP interfaces renamed to vtap to avoid driver clashes
- Updated: OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.4
- Updated: OpenVPN 2.3 updated to version 2.3.18
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.4
- Improved support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)
- Enables keyboard navigation of the main menu
- Adds a Save Log button to the Details window
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.3
- Fixes regression where Viscosity will quit after successfully installing the helper
Viscosity 1.7.1
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2l
- Resolves issue when processing 'dhcp-option DNSMODE' commands
- The Allow unsafe commands option will no longer reset when opening Viscosity
- Resolves issue where an acknowledgement request dialog may be empty
- Resolves issue where certain AppleScript commands had no effect
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7
- Active connections are now listed separately in the main menu
- OpenVPN 2.4 Support
- Traffic obfuscation support (obfsproxy)
- New right/control click menu for Preferences->Connections
- Connections can now be imported by dragging them onto the connections list
- DNS and encryption information now displayed in the Details window
- New Block IPv6 when connected to an IPv4 only connection option
- New Automatically reconnect if disconnected option for connections and folders
- Significant performance improvements
- Significant memory usage improvements
- The system Python framework is no longer required
- Ability to get additional connection details via AppleScript
- Ability to delete multiple selected connections at once
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.2
- OpenVPN 2.3 updated to version 2.3.16
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2k
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.8 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.6.8
- Improved: PKCS#11 users will now be prompted to insert their token when needed
- Improved: The connection name is now displayed in challenge and password prompts
- Improved: Improved support for OpenVPN-AS connection scripts
- Improved: Unsafe command detection updated to allow commands using safe parameters
- Updated: OpenVPN updated to version 2.3.14
- Fixed: Resolves issue where an IPv6 Reachability Check may fail under macOS 10.12
- Fixed: Resolves potential crash when using the main menu while an alert is visible under macOS 10.12
- Fixed: Reset network interfaces on disconnect option now behaves correctly for multiple active connections
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements

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Viscosity 1.7.8 Download 5,8/10 4241 votes

Download Viscosity 1.8.3 free - Top4Download.com offers free software downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android computers and mobile devices. Visit for free, full and secured software’s. Oct 07, 2019  File name: viscosityinstaller1.7.8.exe (7.5 MB) Download Viscosity. You can also post a Facebook comment Software picks February 12, 2020. Top 5 Animated Screensavers for Windows. Software picks Top 5 Free Auto Clicker Tools for Windows 10. Any video converter pro 7.1.7 download. Software picks Local and Online Backup Services 2019.

SparkLabs – 4MB – Shareware –


Viscosity is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by SparkLabs.

The latest version of Viscosity is 1.8, released on 09/13/2019. It was initially added to our database on 05/05/2012.

Viscosity runs on the following operating systems: Windows. The download file has a size of 4MB.

Viscosity has not been rated by our users yet.

Write a review for Viscosity!

11/09/2017 ELISOFT Faktury 2017
03/24/2020 OBS Studio 25.0.1
03/24/2020 FormatFactory
03/24/2020 Debotnet 0.7.0
03/24/2020 SourceTree 3.3.8
Secure and free downloads checked by UpdateStar
Stay up-to-date
with UpdateStar freeware.
03/13/2020 The best free SSD tools for you
03/11/2020 New version of Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool available
03/11/2020 Firefox 74 is available for download with more security
03/04/2020 Google Chrome update fixes dangerous security vulnerability
03/03/2020 Kodi 18.6 update available with bug fixes
  • » viscosity 1.8 windows
  • » viscosity インストール
  • » viscosity windows

Viscosity is a first class VPN client that lets you secure your network

What's new in this version:

Viscosity 1.8.4
- Import support for inline usernames and passwords
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2u for OpenVPN 2.3
- Resolves PKCS#11 issue using some RSA certificates
- Resolves issue moving the menu icon on older versions of macOS
- Detects if Time Machine backups could not be disabled due to macOS privileges
- Resolves low-severity security vulnerability (CVE-2020-5180)
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.3
- Viscosity will now prompt to allow a weak CA digest if detected
- Resolves issue using EC keys on PKCS#11 devices
- Resolves a potential hang on older versions of macOS when importing connections
- Resolves a tap-to-click issue with the main menu on older versions of macOS
- Resolves a potential crash when importing a connection (build 1521)
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.2
- Support for TLS 1.3 and additional ciphers
- Windows 10 on ARM64 (WoA64) is now supported
- Small performance improvements in OpenVPN
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.1.1d on OpenVPN 2.4
- OpenVPN updated to version 2.4.8
- Visual C++ 2015-2019 runtime is now required and will be installed if not present
- Resolves an issue where some connections would fail to connect on subsequent connection attempts
- Resolves an issue where connections would sometimes hang during a reconnect
- Resolves an issue where some .visz configurations failed to import
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.1
- Improved support for deploying Viscosity in managed environments
- Ignores unnecessary pushed route-delay commands
- Workaround to allow loading the PKCS#11 driver for SafeNet tokens
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.8.0
- Main menu traffic graph for active VPN connections
- Appearance customisation options for the menu traffic graph
- New menu icons are available in the Appearance section
- Improved support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- VPN connections will now establish faster
- Reduces CPU usage when using higher log verbosity levels
- Complete Dark Mode support for menu items with color
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2t
- Resolves a potential crash when rapidly connecting and disconnecting connections
- Resolves a potential crash if ifconfig cannot be run
- Resolves a potential hang when using Reset network interfaces on disconnect
- Resolves flickering of the menu icon animation when changing states
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.16
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2s
- Reachability checks will no longer fail when using a fixed IP version
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.15
- Additional U2F devices are now supported
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.7
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2r
- Adds notarization for increased security
- Resolves failure to fallback to secondary remote servers with some connections
- Resolves a potential crash on macOS 10.14.4+ when updating the helper
- Resolves a potential crash when importing a large number of connections
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.10 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.7.14
- Resolves regression connecting certain static-key connections
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.13
- Improves compatibility with menu bar managers
- Improves main menu automatic resizing and positioning
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2q
- Avoids rapid reconnect attempts when a local TLS error occurs
- Avoids potentially delaying a manual computer sleep when there are active connections
- Workaround for potential DNS resolution errors when OpenVPN performs a reconnect
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.12
- Support for Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Improved support for macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Main menu performance significantly improved
- Keyboard accessibility of the main menu improved
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2p
- Resolves issue setting the working directory for scripts
- Resolves issue scrolling the main menu with many connections
- Prevents reconnects when cancelling certain PKCS#11 requests
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.9 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.7.11
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.10
- Support for macOS Continuity while connected to VPN connections
- Automatic route-delay now supported for connections using DHCP
- Support for routes set using a DHCP server
- Support for setting a default IPv6 route gateway
- Allows the default route gateway to be a DHCP server
- Resolves stuck connection if a PKCS#11 driver fails to load
- Resolves a potential crash when using a proxy PAC file
- Workaround for issue with OpenVPN's session token handling
- Resolves case where Automatically reconnect option may display incorrectly
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.9
- Performance improved when importing a large number of connections
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.6
- Resolves a potential crash after updating
- Resolves a potential crash when disconnecting
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.8
- Sandboxing of the OpenVPN process for added security
- Updated
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.5
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.20
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- Growl support
Viscosity 1.7.7
- Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) support
- Support for the obfs4 obfuscation protocol
- No longer displays an alert when a session token is rejected
- Detection of unsafe environment variables improved
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.6
- Improved: Support for longer username, password, and challenge responses
- Updated: OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2n
- Fixed: Workaround for macOS 10.13 utun traffic reporting bug
- Fixed: Fixes session tokens not persisting across reconnections
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.5
- Improved: TAP interfaces renamed to vtap to avoid driver clashes
- Updated: OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.4
- Updated: OpenVPN 2.3 updated to version 2.3.18
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.4
- Improved support for macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)
- Enables keyboard navigation of the main menu
- Adds a Save Log button to the Details window
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7.3
- Fixes regression where Viscosity will quit after successfully installing the helper
Viscosity 1.7.1
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2l
- Resolves issue when processing 'dhcp-option DNSMODE' commands
- The Allow unsafe commands option will no longer reset when opening Viscosity
- Resolves issue where an acknowledgement request dialog may be empty
- Resolves issue where certain AppleScript commands had no effect
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
Viscosity 1.7
- Active connections are now listed separately in the main menu
- OpenVPN 2.4 Support
- Traffic obfuscation support (obfsproxy)
- New right/control click menu for Preferences->Connections
- Connections can now be imported by dragging them onto the connections list
- DNS and encryption information now displayed in the Details window
- New Block IPv6 when connected to an IPv4 only connection option
- New Automatically reconnect if disconnected option for connections and folders
- Significant performance improvements
- Significant memory usage improvements
- The system Python framework is no longer required
- Ability to get additional connection details via AppleScript
- Ability to delete multiple selected connections at once
- OpenVPN 2.4 updated to version 2.4.2
- OpenVPN 2.3 updated to version 2.3.16
- OpenSSL updated to version 1.0.2k
- Various bug fixes and enhancements
- OS X 10.8 is no longer supported
Viscosity 1.6.8
- Improved: PKCS#11 users will now be prompted to insert their token when needed
- Improved: The connection name is now displayed in challenge and password prompts
- Improved: Improved support for OpenVPN-AS connection scripts
- Improved: Unsafe command detection updated to allow commands using safe parameters
- Updated: OpenVPN updated to version 2.3.14
- Fixed: Resolves issue where an IPv6 Reachability Check may fail under macOS 10.12
- Fixed: Resolves potential crash when using the main menu while an alert is visible under macOS 10.12
- Fixed: Reset network interfaces on disconnect option now behaves correctly for multiple active connections
- Fixed: Various bug fixes and enhancements

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